Semantically Organizing Images
10 Jul 2021 #graph #inference #neo4j #RDF #image-processingTake care of all your memories. For you cannot relive them.
My collection of images have grown to monstrous scales (more than 600GB) and continues to grow everyday. The primary culprit being my trigger happy nature, whenever I go out my camera (Nikon D7200). Given my rather laid back nature to post process the images and categorize them neatly in folders, my collection currently stands fragmented amidst a chaotic mix of folders spread across multiple hard-disks, without any labels in a majority of cases. With this problem in mind, I started planning a “programmatic” way to get out of this mess and to take care of the memories!
With Python as my ally, I started to see which libraries could be used to get started. Turns out Exiftool is a very handy and mature tool to look at the EXIF data of images and it also has a python interface. Using this as a baseline, I built a relatively straight forward script to bring images from multiple locations into a single folder. Thereafter, using Exiftool to extract all the meta data, the images are organized sorted by year. Under each year, events are separately put in a folder. An event is a day which has >= threshold images. If consecutive days have events, then they are merged into a single event. The entire script is available on Github.
Organizing images in the chronologically named folders solves only a part of the problem. These are still image dumps, but not memories such as the ones offered by Facebook, Google Photos, etc. This is where my interest for semantic networks comes into the picture. Simply put, a semantic network is a knowledge representation structure that represents semantic relations between concepts in a network. Given the fact pictures have multiple entities and a ton of metadata, a semantic network would be useful to navigate images or find images of interest. For example, a query could be to find all pictures with person A and B. Of course, detecting faces present in the images and tagging them with a name would be indeed needed before a semantic network could be built. Tools powered by AI such as Deepface could be readily used.
Neo4j is a graph data database, which can be used for storing the semantic network. In order to actually build a semantic network, I started digging into Neo4j RDF and Semantics toolkit. In the context of representing the records, Resource Description Framework (RDF) came into the picture. RDF is a standard model for data interchange across the web and used extensively apparently. RDF uses XML representation for defining relationships of the form subject->predicate->object, which is called a triple. These RDF records can be directly imported into the graph database and then queried for efficiently navigating all the images. There is a nicely presented tutorial on the topic. As a next step, I plan to build RDF entires for the entire image dump that I have and hopefully have a better way to navigate the memories.
- Code : Preliminary code for organizing images. [Link]
- Good tutorial: This tutorial provides a relatively detailed introduction to RDF [Link]
- Exiftool: [Link]
- Deepface: [Link]